Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sorting Options

Publishing is in flux. Advancements in technology and the ease of digital publishing have democratized publishing, allowing anyone to self-publish and causing the quantity of books available to skyrocket over the past decade. Here's how Steven Piersanti explains it in The 10 Awful Truths About Book Publishing.

The number of books being published in the U.S. has exploded. Bowker reports that over one million (1,052,803) books were published in the U.S. in 2009, which is more than triple the number of books published four years earlier (2005) in the U.S. (April 14, 2010 Bowker Report). More than two thirds of these books are self-published books, reprints of public domain works, and other print-on-demand books, which is where most of the growth in recent years has taken place. In addition, hundreds of thousands of English-language books are published each year in other countries.

When my publishers announced they were closing their doors on May 31, I felt the proverbial magic carpet being ripped from under me. It had been a wonderful ride.

I calmed. I took a serious look at my options. I made a list:
  1. let my books die
  2. try the agent route
  3. self-publish
  4. seek another indie press
Then I sorted through the pros and cons of each option. The clouds cleared and decisions formed.

First Decision:   I do not want The Alki Trilogy to disappear. I love Gemi and the gang. I want them available to readers in both print and digital formats.

Second Decision:  I do not want to seek an agent. I'd gone that route before. And frankly the chances of any agent or Big 5 New York publishing house taking on my three novels for re-release is basically nil.

Third Decision:  I could self-publish through CreateSpace. I've done so with No Talking Dogs Press. But I have neither time nor energy to dig into the process. The greater royalty rate isn't my driving force, and I believe the right indie press will lend my books professional appeal.

Fourth Decision:  I support indie publishing. I've had good experiences, built loyal relationships and enjoyed the process. It's where I belong.

All this to say, I'm very pleased to announce I've just signed a new publishing contract with Barbara Brannon and Kay Ellington of Bookadelphia.

The Alki Trilogy will be re-released under the Bold Face Books imprint with fancy new covers early next month.


mary rowen said...

That's awesome, Arleen! I'm so Haiti for you!

mary rowen said...

Oh gosh, that was supposed to say so *happy* for you. Am on my phone. Wacky spell checker!

mary rowen said...

Oh gosh, that was supposed to say so *happy* for you. Am on my phone. Wacky spell checker!

arleen said...

Thanks, Mary! And no worries about the wacky spell checker. I'm impressed that you can comment on your phone!