Monday, February 15, 2016

History Repeats

My husband is a history buff. There are countless documentaries awaiting him in My List on Netflix. More recommended each time we open the app: Because of your interest in. The other night I plopped down at his side as he watched the conclusion of Ken Burns' The Roosevelts: An Intimate History.

That's when I learned Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a column called My Day six days a week for twenty seven years between 1935 and 1962. On January 23, 1939 she wrote the quote below, a quote as fitting today as it was when it appeared in her column seventy seven years ago, the eve of U.S. involvement in WWII.

...What has happened to us in this country? If we study our own history we find that we have always been ready to receive the unfortunates from other countries, and though this may seem a generous gesture on our part, we have profited a thousand fold by what they have brought us.
                                                                - Eleanor Roosevelt



Mindy Halleck said...

I watched those documentaries and became a real fan of this wise, wise, forward thinking woman. great timely quote.

Jan said...

The more things change the more they stay the same, as the old saying goes.